
What`s the similarities and the differences between Autocom CDP Pro and New Autocom 2011.01 CDP Pro

When you decide to buy something,you should know the product first.Today,there are many choice for you in the same product.Maybe you will have no idea which style is the best for you.Now today I will introduce about the same and different between Autocom CDP Pro car and New Autocom 2011.01 CDP Pro car.

Common Ground

1.Full Translate Language :
English , Cesky, Dansk, Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Greek, Hollands, Hungarian, Italiano, Norsk, Polish, Romana,Russian, Srpski, Suomen kieli, Svenska, Turkish
-Manufacture specific serial diagnose
-Scan function
-EOBD/OBDII communication
-Serial Systems
-Service reset
-Comfort system
-Gear-box etc
3.Autocom CDP Pro features and Software Screen Display you can visite this site: http://www.chinasinoy.com/wholesale/new-autocom-201101-d-version-including-ford-for-car-compact-diagnostic-partner-pro-1589.html
4.In serial we do following:
-Read and erase fault codes
-Read live data
-Basic settings
-Scan function
-Fully compliant to the EOBD/OBDII standard


1.The Function more comprehensive for the New Autocom 2011.01 CDP Pro.This version Autocom can do Ford.But there haven`t this fuction for Autocom CDP Pro.
2.There are the Price advantage for New Autocom 2011.01 CDP Pro.it is the the cheaper.
To sum up, I think which you choice most of the time for youself. The Autocom CDP Pro also very good.if your car is not ford, there aren`t difference for you.Maybe it is more concise.

